インド太平洋研究会 Indo-Pacific Studies

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The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's deployment to the Indo-Pacific, which began on June 13, 2022, will end on October 28, with only 20 days remaining. I have been involved in this IPD since last year, or rather, since my lectures at the 2017 Islands and Oceans Parliamentary Councils, which triggered the deployment, and more specifically, since 2008, when I single-handedly launched and single-handedly promoted the maritime security project in the field in Micronesia. Neither the Sasakawa Peace Foundation nor the Nippon Foundation did anything or knew anything about it.

One of the triggers was a 2008 U.S. public hearing in which Commander Keating of the Pacific Command expressed concern about China's maritime expansion. It was Yohei Sasakawa who responded to this news, and it was I who wrote half of his newspaper opinion piece of Sasakawa, namely on Micronesian maritime cooperation. Neither Yohei Sasakawa nor any of the Foundation's staff know anything about Pacific security policy.

Why do I write such a disgusting and face-destroying blog about Yohei Sasakawa? Because I know all about Sasakawa's activities behind the Myanmar disaster, a mess in Palau's marine protected area, and the murder of Prime Minister Abe.

Shortly after I led the three presidents to an agreement on the Micronesian Maritime Security Initiative in 2008, the project was turned into a shipbuilding and concession project by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT). Meanwhile, I was responsible for the establishment of the Palau Maritime Security Center and the Japan-U.S.-Australia Maritime Security Cooperation Framework. This led to the Abe administration's Indo-Pacific concept.

No, I connected it.

In 2017, I was invited to speak and make proposals on maritime security for Pacific island countries in the Parliamentary Council on Islands and the Parliamentary Council on Oceans. This led succession; for the first time, "Indo-Pacific" and "maritime security" were included in the 8th Islands Summit held in 2018. The Declaration of the Summit, which ended up being only a theme, was moved by then Prime Minister's Advisor Kentaro Sonoura, a member of the House of Representatives, to be implemented in an all-Japan framework, that is, in a way that transcended the concessions of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

In the latter half of 2017, there was a series of inquiries to me from the defense and intelligence of Japan, the U.S., Australia, the U.K., and Germany. This led to my current assignment as National Security Advisor in Palau. Few people know the history, culture, and politics of on-the-ground security in the region, including human relations.

Specifically, I was asked by the late President of Palau, Mr. Nakamura, and Ms. Jennifer Anson in 2017 to also address the issues of narcotics and transnational crime in the Pacific Island countries, which I have been doing for over 10 years while supporting Palau's Judo Kids, including advocacy.

The results led to the deployment of the JMSDF to the Indo-Pacific in 2021. This will be the first time the JMSDF has been dispatched to a Pacific island nation and conducted joint training. Countries were not always friendly to the sudden deployment of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ( JMSDF). Among them, Palau was the only country that allowed JMSDF personnel to land on the islands on a limited basis under COVID regulations, set up a meeting with the president, and welcomed them. Why? Because the destroyer Kaga was carrying the Palau Judo Kids' judo uniforms. I made this arrangement with the donation of nearly 50 Japanese people.

Yesterday, I re-read "Japanese Maritime Thought: If Not Mahan, Who?" written by Toshi Yoshihara and Jamese Holmes in 2006. When I read the article four or five years ago, I was left with the impression that the Higuchi Report published in 1994 was not mentioned in the article. It discusses Japan's postwar naval policy under the influence of the U.S. military, which was in some ways distorted, while looking at the influence of Mahan.


Mahan was active precisely during the era of "imperialist" colonial expansion. After the war, the colonies were able to raise the concept of the right to self-determination and became independent and sovereign states, giving birth to small island states scattered across the Indo-Pacific. The colonies have jurisdiction over vast EEZs, but in reality, they have formed lawless and crime-ridden zones due to the limits of their maritime management capabilities.

In 2008, as I launched the Micronesia Maritime Security Project in consultation with local leaders, I have always considered the question: Who are we protecting, who will protect them, and against whom?  In Mahan's time, the U.S. interests were to be protected by the U.S. from Japan and all other nations. Today, however, the interests of a small country like Palau are to be protected from China's illegal maritime activities by like-minded nations such as Japan, the U.S., and Australia. This is where the existence of a small country that has become a sovereign nation comes first.

IPD22's active interaction with not only political leaders but also Palauan judo kids and their communities in the places it visits is precisely the basis of its naval policy of "Who are we protecting?" which is the basis of naval policy. This is what I have been promoting in the hope that it will be examined. I hope that the U.S. and Australia also understand that protecting "people of Indo-Pacific" with priority given to vulnerable groups such as local children and women, is as important as building trust.











昨日、2006年にToshi YoshiharaとJamese Holmesが書いた"Japanese Maritime Thought: If Not Mahan, Who?"を再読した。4、5年前に読んだ時は1994年に発表された樋口レポートが触れられていない、という印象が残っている。戦後の米軍の影響下にあった、ある意味歪な日本の海軍政策をマハンの影響を見ながら議論されている。



