前回の島サミットは、この地図にあるように数千年前の海洋民族、オーストロネシア語族の拡散を安倍総理のスピーチに入れることに成功した。 チーム安倍の兼原・谷口両氏はこの事をご存知なかった。インドムガール帝国のダーラー・ シーコー皇子が2つの海の…
米国版島嶼議連ーThe Congressional Pacific Islands Caucusが2019年、ハワイのEd Case 議員の主導で創設されました。 以下ウェブから機械訳です。 ーーー Congressional Pacific Islands Caucusは、米国下院の超党派の議会メンバーによる公式組織です。コー…
List of "The Jesuits in Nanyo-cho and Admiral Shinjiro Stefano Yamamoto, a monk in military uniform”
Newspaper King Hearst's “conversion" At the end of his visit to America, Shinjiro Yamamoto met William Randolph Hearst on the West Coast. Hearst's father, a mining magnate, entrusted him with the management of a newspaper called the San Fr…
The Failure of the Operation and the Showa Emperor From this point on, until their return to the US at the end of December, Walsh and Draut were based at the Imperial Hotel, where they made vigorous contact with Archbishop Tatsuo Doi, Yama…
A foothold to the "Father Project. The biggest obstacle was the United States. In the U.S., when the conflict between Japan and China became fierce, Christian denominations that regarded China as an influential "missionary market" began to…
Britain joins forces with the Soviet Union After an audience with Pope Pius XI at the Holy See, Yamamoto visited France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, countries that Emperor Showa had visited when he was Crown Prince more than 20 years bef…
Against Communism and Fascism At that time, the Vatican and the Catholic Church had to confront two totalitarian forces. One was communism, led by the Soviet Union, and the other was fascism, the Nazi Party in Germany and the Fascist Party…
'Pray for the Emperor' The climax of Yamamoto's trip to various countries was a visit to the Vatican. As Kigley writes, on 21 January 1938, coinciding with the time when Yamamoto was explaining Japan's four positions on the Japan-Sino War,…
It's a war against communism! Yamamoto left Kobe port on 26 November 1937, at the time of the Japanese attack on Nanking from Shanghai, accompanied by a former diplomat named Shibasaki Michika. The original plan was to visit about 14 count…