インド太平洋研究会 Indo-Pacific Studies

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ペンタゴンのDr. Ely Ratnerが描くインド太平洋構想

米国のAustin国防相が日本、シンガポール(シャングリラ)、インド、フランスを訪問する。それに先駆けてCSISペンタゴンのDr. Ely Ratnerが米国のインド太平洋構想を概説した。


Dr. Ely Ratnerの説明は当たり障りなく見えるが、米国がいかにこの地域にコミットし、肝心の主導者であった日本の影は薄い。悪いことではない。米国に真剣になってもらうことは重要だ。

43分以降に台湾海峡有事に関するDr. Ely Ratnerの回答は新しいことはないが、重要である。






Dr. Ely Ratnerの奥さんは中国人だし、彼が一番中国との友好関係を維持したいんだと思う。

Jennifer Yang, Ely Ratner - The New York Times

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin will visit Japan, Singapore (Shangri-La), India, and France. Prior to that, Dr. Ely Ratner of the Pentagon at CSIS outlined the US Indo-Pacific concept.

The Indo-Pacific, a concept pushed by the Abe administration in Japan. Here I had the opportunity to include a perspective on island nations and maritime security. It is also the result of more than 30 years of work in the field.

Dr. Ely Ratner's explanation may seem bland, but it confirms how committed the United States is to the region. Japan, the key leader, has been overshadowed. Not a bad thing. It is important to get the U.S. to take this seriously.

Dr. Ely Ratner's response on the Taiwan Strait contingency after 43 minutes of the video is nothing new, but it is important.

1Peacekeeping is a priority with regard to the Taiwan contingency and maintaining an open conversation with China.

2 U.S. response has not changed. Maintain Taiwan Relations Act, support One China,

3 Maintaining Taiwan's deterrence, the U.S. believes there will be no Taiwan Strait contingency

4 Beijing will refrain from action given the costs incurred by Beijing. The U.S. will maintain this situation.


Dr. Ely Ratner's wife is Chinese, and I think he most wants to maintain friendly relations with China.


