インド太平洋研究会 Indo-Pacific Studies

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3月23日(火)インド太平洋PodCafe 南洋庁のイエズス会と軍服の修道士山本信二郎

f:id:yashinominews:20210318113530j:plain f:id:yashinominews:20210318113256j:plain


ゲスト: フランシス・ヒーゼル神父

ゲスト:イエズス会 フランシス・ヒーゼル神父
参加希望は  <indopacific.study@gmail.com> まで。

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<Indo-Pacific PodCafe>
Tuesday 23 March, from 7pm (Japan Time)
"The Jesuits in Nanyo-cho and Admiral Shinjiro Stefano Yamamoto, a monk in military uniform"
Guest: Father Francis Hezel (Jesuit, Guam)
March 14, 2021. It is the 100th anniversary of the invitation of the Jesuits to the South Sea Mission. Why Japanese government invited Jesuits to Micronesia? What did the Jesuits leave behind in Micronesia?
We will talk about the Emperor Showa who was learning of the international political skills of the Vatican and the Pope under the guidance of rear Admiral Yamamoto. 
