3月19日ー20日の2日間にわたり、第2回「日本・太平洋島嶼国国防大臣会合」(JPIDD:Japan Pacific Islands Defense Dialogue)が木原稔防衛大臣の主導で開催された。豪州などのジャーナリストが詳細な情報を探している様子だったので、この会議の大本から関与してきた私は詳細を伝えた。
The second Japan Pacific Islands Defence Dialogue (JPIDD) was held under the leadership of Defence Minister Minoru Kihara over two days from 19-20 March. Journalists from Australia and other countries seemed to be looking for more information, so I, who was involved in this process from the very beginning of the meeting, gave them the details.
This is the legacy of Prime Minister Abe.
Maritime security (maritime order based on the rule of law and sustainability of marine resources) was on the agenda at the 8th Pacific Island Leaders Summit in 2018. I proposed it.
Japan's Oceania Engagement and Maritime Security | East-West Center | www.eastwestcenter.org
I was invited to the 2017 Islands parliamentary group and the Maritime parliamentary group to give a lecture on the reality of maritime security in the Pacific island countries. At that time, MPs Keiji Furuya and Chenichi Eto asked me
'Dr Hayakawa, the content of your lecture now is connected to the Abe administration's security diamonds, and since it relates to the 2018 island summit, I want you to give us more concrete descriptions of it.'
They asked me to give a second lecture.
I was happy just to have my proposal on the agenda of the Abe administration's island summit, but this was put into action. The person who did this was then Prime Minister Abe's advisor on security, Kentaro Sonoura, a member of the House of Representatives. He visited the island states and ASEAN with an all-Japan team, including the Self-Defence Forces, and had them formulate a concrete support plan.
Then Minister Taro Kono became Minister of Defence in September 2019 and announced at the 60th anniversary conference of the Japan-US alliance at CSIS in the US in January 2020 that there were plans for the first 'Japan-Pacific Island Nations Defence Ministerial Meeting'.
We must increase our commitment to the Pacific Island countries that are a vital part of the Indo-Pacific region. As a part of this effort, I will host a multinational conference in April in Tokyo with defense ministers from Pacific Island countries which own military forces, as well as the partner countries connected to the region, namely the United States, Australia, New Zealand, France, and the United Kingdom.
The 26th Annual U.S.-Japan Security Seminar: The U.S.-Japan Alliance at 60
Japan's largest SDF carrier brings judo joy to children in Palau - The Japan Times
海上自衛隊パラオ訪問および共同演習が海上自衛隊のIndo-Pacific Deploymentの成功につながって行く。
However, with COVID, the whole world was locked down and this meeting did not take place and was held online in September 2021 with Defence Minister Kishi.
Again, as an advisor to the Palau National Security Office, I received a request from Jennifer Anson of Palau and I made a request to Defence Minister Kishi to have judo uniforms brought to Palau by the Maritime Self-Defence Force destroyer Kaga. Initially, the Palau Maritime Police had refused to train with the JMSDF. Because of this, unlike the Japan Coast Guard, which was unable to land in Palau or hand over any souvenirs during the visit, the JMSDF was able to disembark more than 10 personnel, including the commander-in-chief, and hand over a hundred judo uniforms. Not only that, a meeting with the President was set up on the wharf.
Japan's largest SDF carrier brings judo joy to children in Palau - The Japan Times
JMSDF's visit to Palau and the joint exercise will lead to the success of the JMSDF's Indo-Pacific Deployment.
The SDF also changes personnel in charge in a couple of years. Detailed background information may not have been passed on. Behind the success of Defence Minister Kihara's Second JPIDD is the trajectory of Prime Minister Abe, Advisor to the Prime Minister Sonoura, Defence Minister Kono and Defence Minister Kishi. And the presence of MPs Keiji Furuya and Seiichi Eto in the House of Representatives, who drew on my suggestions.