インド太平洋研究会 Indo-Pacific Studies

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Remembering the Pacific War. Edited by. Geoffrey M. White. Occasional Paper 36. Center for Pacific Islands Studies. School of Hawaiian, Asian & Pacific Studies. University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Honolulu 1991


この本の中にある20章目がBasil Shaw の"Yukio Shibata and Michael Somare: Lives in Contact"だ。筆者のBasil Shawは1933年生まれ。1991年にソマレ閣下について書いた論文で博士号を取得している。57歳の時の博士号だ。なんと日本まで来てキャプテン柴田にインタビューもしている。

ソマレ閣下の自伝ではキャプテン柴田は米国帰りと書いてあったが、それは勘違いで、千葉県鴨川出身。1920年生まれ。23歳の時に戦争に行ったのだ。高校卒業後military engeneering collegeに進学。そこで民族学も学んだ、とのこと。Wewakでは製塩をしていて、子供好きが高じて学校を始めたという。




When Shibata was asked what he hoped the outcome of his village school would be, he said that he hoped it would help young people, particularly those with leadership abilities, develop attitudes that would suit them for self- determination. Perhaps Shibata is being idealistic after the event, because it is difficult to assume that the Japanese would not have replaced one form of colonial administration with another. But it is worth noting that Somare in later years was motivated by a desire for self-determination, which would lead eventually to the realization ofself-government and independence achieved through political means.