インド太平洋研究会 Indo-Pacific Studies

現代版IPR インド太平洋研究会へようこそ

自由で開かれたインド太平洋について 早川理恵子博士と対談③





3rd episode of the ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ climax of the discussion with Mr Shinji Ninoyu.
‘China's maritime policy of crossing the second island chain’.

I gave two speeches, one to the Islands Parliamentary Group and the other to the Ocean Parliamentary Group. At the first lecture, when the chairman of two groups, MP Keiji Furuya, introduced me, he said he had to leave due to some business, but he did not leave. Instead, he listened to my speech until the end. He asked me many questions, and as he looked me in the eye and said,

‘Please give another lecture. We need to make recommendations from our parliamentary group for the next year's island summit (PALM 8, 2018)."

He said. 

I will never forget the eyes of that MP Furuya until the day I die. I remember walking home from the parliamentary building to Tokyo Station because I couldn't stop shaking with the warrior's trembling.